
Featured book
Love Trust Gratitude Healing
Turning a Battle into a Dance and making Peace with Cancer
Bedridden, unable to walk, riddled with cancer, it was a panic attack that gave Michael his most effective tool for dealing with radiation and chemo treatments, a bone marrow transplant, and learning to walk again. Four words came to him in the aftermath of the panic attack: Love, Trust, Gratitude, Healing (LTGH), and he began repeating them like a mantra. McDaeth realized he was repeating a universally true statement: Love+Trust+Gratitude=Healing.
Hoping to help others going through their own difficulties Michael shares his journey to recovery and how LTGH helped broaden his perspective, deepened his appreciation for life, and helped him heal emotionally and spiritually even when he was struggling to heal physically.
Books by Michael
LTGH is about my journey through a life-changing cancer diagnosis.
November 30th, 1999. An amateur filmmaker follows a protest singer through the streets of Seattle at the WTO protests. The protest singer is there to promote his CD that contains only one song “A Bitter Wind is Blowing” a song he insists is, “The right song for the right time.”