About me
Writer, Musician, Speaker, Cancer Survivor
Are you facing a major life confrontation? I'm here to help even if it's just to listen.
“There is little justice in the world, yes, life isn’t fair. The counterbalance to an unfair unjust world lies within us and is manifested by the quality of our response when unfairness or injustice comes our way.” mm
Michael McDaeth (Mc-Day-eth) was born in Mankato, Minnesota. He grew up in northern Minnesota on a quasi-homestead with horses and a cowpoke dad. In 1987 Michael moved to Seattle and studied acting at the Northwest Actors Studio. During this period he discovered his passion for music and began a lifelong pursuit of writing songs and performing as a solo artist and in the band Weeds.
McDaeth has recorded and released many albums over the years. He is also the author of two novels Roads and Parking Lots which is based largely on his life growing up on the homestead and generally making a poetic mess of his early adult years and Under Protest which is darkly comic take on his experience filming a protest singer at the WTO protest in Seattle in 1999.
In 2018 Michael was diagnosed with an incurable cancer called multiple myeloma. He wrote a memoir about his experience titled Love Trust Gratitude Healing: Turning a Battle into a Dance and making Peace with Cancer where he shares how even with extreme confrontations like cancer one can experience profound spiritual and emotional healing even when one is struggling to heal physically.